Area Sept. 26: Local baseball award winners
The following are the award winners from the Greater Niagara Baseball Association for the 2018 season:
Junior Rookie Ball
Most valuable player: Riley Dumas.
Most sportsmanlike: Nicholas New.
Senior Rookie Ball
Most valuable player: Joshua Baka.
Most sportsmanlike: Brady Quinn.
Minor Mosquito
Most valuable player: Patrick Babin.
Most sportsmanlike: Luke Cukierski.
Most valuable player: Trent Vaillancourt.
Most sportsmanlike: Dryden Allen.
Minor Peewee
Most valuable player: Carter Kipp.
Most sportsmanlike: Mathew Richmond.
Peewee Tier 1
Most valuable player: Joespk Baka.
Most sportsmanlike: Nico Valdo.
Peewee Tier 2
Most valuable player: Josh Upper.
Most sportsmanlike: Jack McNamara.
Minor Bantam
Most valuable player: Kaden Falardeau.
Most sportsmanlike: Jacob Passmore.
Most valuable player: Jacob Pozzobon.
Most sportsmanlike: Max Hao.
Minor Midget
Most valuable player: Ryan Potrecz.
Most sportsmanlike: Peter Rigas.
Most valuable player: Ryan Shannon.
Most sportsmanlike: Josh Thorpe.
Travel Coach of the Year: Geoff Allen.
House League Coach of the Year: Brett Harrison.
Umpire awards: Chase Burdon and Jacob Pozzobon.
Following are the award winners from the Welland Minor Baseball Association for the 2018 season:
Senior Rookie
Silver Slugger: Payton Lanteigne.
Gold Glove: Max Van Dyke.
Most Improved: Fernando Levert.
Mustangs Award: Liam Seguin.
Minor Mosquito
Silver Slugger: Lucas Bassi
Gold Glove: Colton Lafleur
Most Improved: Braxton Fleguel
Mustangs Award: Carson Casasanta.
Silver Slugger: Jack Ilskens.
Gold Glove: Jaxon Vanderlip.
Most Improved: Spencer Burke.
Mustangs Award: Travis Guttin.
Minor Peewee
Silver Slugger: Jaxson Bruzzese.
Gold Glove: Evan Deri.
Most Improved: Zachary Robichaud.
Mustangs Award: William Wales.
Minor Bantam
Silver Slugger: Daniel Noble
Gold Glove: William Baltrusiunas
Most Improved: Ethan Goyetche
Mustangs Award: Ethan Wells
Silver Slugger: Jackson Falardeau.
Gold Glove: Tyler Gearing.
Most Improved: Ethan Sawyer.
Mustangs Award: Kevin Delvecchio.
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