Champion of Champions previous winners
The 73rd Walt McCollum Niagara District Champions of Champions golf tournament will be played Saturday at St Catharines Golf and Country Club.
Below are the past winners of the event:
1969: Pam Poole, Lookout Point
1970: Peggy Manog, Willodell
1971: Cathy Landrigan, Cherry Hill
1972: Heather Williams, Westbrook
1973: Debbie Ross, Oaklands.
1974: Judy Marlow, Twenty Valley
1975: Judy Stonehouse, Willodell
1976 Karen Storr, Lookout Point
1977: No tournament
1978: Karen Storr, Lookout Point
1979: Nancy Bridgeman, Lookout Point
1980: Judith Allan, St. Catharines
1981: Lisa Drynan, Dunnville
1982: Hillary Manoian, St. Catharines
1983: Laurie Rybski, Lookout Point
1984: Pam Piotrowski, Twenty Valley
1985: Liz Earley, St. Catharines
1986: Liz Earley, St. Catharines
1987: Lisa Simpson, Niagara-on-the-Lake
1988: Jocelyn Andrusiw, Twenty Valley
1989: Doris Tribe, Thunder Bay
1990: Stefi Markovich, Port Colborne
1991: Stefi Markovich, Port Colborne
1992: Stefi Markovich, Port Colborne
1993: Tara Goss, Port Colborne
1994: Jen Teal, Thunder Bay
1995: Kelly Fonagy, St. Catharines
1996: Tara Goss, Port Colborne
1997: Jen Teal, Thunder Bay
1998: Shannon Briggs, Lookout Point
1999: Shannon Briggs, Lookout Point
2000: Shannon Briggs, Lookout Point
2001: Adrianna DiLonardo, Beechwood
2002: Adrianna DiLonardo, Beechwood
2003: Adrianna DiLonardo, Beechwood
2004: Carolyn Halinda, St. Catharines
2005: Sarah Steele, Lookout Point
2006: Katie Learn, Port Colborne
2007: Katie Learn, Port Colborne
2008: Kendra Bishop, Rolling Meadows
2009: Kennedy Bodfield, Rockway Glen
2010: Alex Taylor, Peninsula Lakes
2011: Kennedy Bodfield, Rockway Glen
2012: Alex Taylor, Peninsula Lakes
2013: Kennedy Bodfield, Rockway Glen
2014: Kayla Burke, Whiskey Run
2015: Emily Ward, Rolling Meadows
2016: Sukriti Harjai, St. Catharines
2017: Sukriti Harjai, St. Catharines
2018: Kayla Burke, Lookout Point
2019: Payton Bennett, Twenty Valley
2020: Mya Mackey Sawmill
2021: Casey Kenney, Sawmill
1968: John Walker, Lookout Point
1969: Bill Huizer, Niagara-on-the-Lake
1970: Rod Spittle, Willodell
1971: Dave McKenzie, St. Catharines
1972: Al Kmety, Highlands
1973: Steve Fellinger, Willodell
1974: Mark Derbyshire, Niagara-on-the-Lake
1975: Gary Stickl, Willdell
1976: Ted Bishop, Lookout Point
1977: No tournament
1978: Drew McGlynn, Lookout Point
1979: Pete Harrison, Twenty Valley
1980: Joe Myers, Lookout Point
1981: Mike Krowchyk, Lookout Point
1982: Ken Robertson, Dunnville
1983: Ian Webb, Bridgewater
1984: Tom Vallee, Dunnville
1985: Bill Lipsett, Twenty Valley
1986: Chuck Holmes, Queenston
1987: Todd Turonski, Port Colborne
1988: Charlie Climenhage, Thunder Bay
1989: Ton Newton, Willodell
1990: Cliff Wynhofen, Twenty Valley
1991: Darren Mansell, Twenty Valley
1992: Jeremey Rivando, Port Colborne
1993: Jamie Johnstone, St. Catharines
1994: Craig Lipischak, Twenty Valley
1995: Brian Eden, Port Colborne
1996: Rich Houghton, Port Colborne
1997: Ryan Buckner, Port Colborne
1998: Chris Holmes, Bridgewater
1999: Bob Pelletier, Beechwood
2000: Stephen Billyard, Peninsula Lakes
2001: Kurt Ledwez, Beechwood
2002: Derek Billyard, Hunters Pointe
2003: Aaron Wagner, Willodell
2004: Kyle Griffis, Rio Vista
2005: Stephen McInnis, Port Colborne
2006: Kyle Griffis, Bridgewater
2007: Brandon Moore, ICC
2008: Jack Gibson, Bridgewater
2009: Steven Baltjes, St. Catharines
2010: Patrick Toppazzini, Bridgewater
2011: Sam Piccolo, Peninsula Lakes
2012: Hanish Nagrani, Lookout Point
2013: Sam Piccolo, Lookout Point
2014: Sam Piccolo, Lookout Point
2015: Jason Maloney, Twenty Valley
2016: Ethan Bennett, Twenty Valley
2017: Luke DelGobbo, Lookout Point
2018: Ben MacLean, Lookout Point
2019: Jackson Strecker, Twenty Valley
2020: Aiden Hawkins, Whiskey Run
2021: Caleb Shorthouse, Twenty Valley
1951: Marlene Stewart-Streit, Lookout Point
1952: Marlene Stewart-Streit, Lookout Point
1953: Marlene Stewart-Streit, Lookout Point
1954: Bernice Smith, Lookout Point
1955: Dorothy Thompson, Cherry Hill
1956: Bernice Smith, Lookout Point
1957: Kay Jack, Niagara-on-the-Lake
1958: Dorothy Henzelman, Cherry Hill
1959: Dorothy Henzelman, Cherry Hill
1960: Marie Vasil, Oaklands
1961: Helen Chyplik, St. Catharines
1962: Betty Obenauer, Erie Downs
1963: Betty Obenauer, Erie Downs
1964: Kay McNiven, Twenty Valley
1965: Anne Sharp, Lookout Point
1967: Shirley Romanow, St. Catharines
1968: Shirley Romanow, St. Catharines
1969: Shirley Romanow, St. Catharines
1970: Cathy Graham (Sherk), Willodell
1971: Cathy Graham (Sherk), Willodell
1972: Vicki Hill, Queenston
1973: Cathy Sherk, Lookout Point
1974: Cathy Sherk, Lookout Point
1975: Claire Moeschler, Cherry Hill
1976: Helen Chyplik, St. Catharines
1977: No tournament
1978: Mary Beth McInnis, Lookout Point
1979: Marg Rae, Port Colborne
1980: Claire Moeschler, Cherry Hill
1981: Shirley Romanow, Lookout Point
1982: Jackie Fellinger, Bridgewater
1983: Shirley Romanow, Lookout Point
1984: Lolly Lenahan, Cherry Hill
1985: Laurie Rybski, Lookout Point
1986: Laurie Rybski, Lookout Point
1987: Laurie Rybski, Lookout Point
1988: Laurie Rybski, Lookout Point
1989: Carolyn Larsen, Lookout Point
1990: Missy Hendrerson, Oaklands
1991: Pam Piotrowski, Twenty Valley
1992: Judith Allan, St. Catharines
1993: Robin Wilson, Port Colborne
1994: Robin Wilson, Port Colborne
1995: Sandra Billyard, Peninsula Lakes
1996: Sandra Billyard, Peninsula Lakes
1997: Flo Ermanson, Niagara-on-the-Lake
1998: Tara Goss, Rockway Glen
1999: Sandra Billyard, Peninsula Lakes
2000: Robin Wilson, Port Colborne
2001: Tara Goss, Rockway Glen
2002: Robin Wilson, Port Colborne
2003: Sandra Billyard, Peninsula Lakes
2004: Betty Divok, Hunters Pointe
2005: Betty Divok, Hunters Pointe
2006: Mary Kraus, Bridgewater
2007: Mary Kraus, Bridgewater
2008: Betty Divok, Lochness Links
2009: Stefi Markovich, Lookout Point
2010: Stefi Markovich, Lookout Point
2011: Stefi Markovich, Lookout Point
2012: Stefi Markovich, Lookout Point
2013: Stefi Markovich, Lookout Point
2014: Stefi Markovich, Lookout Point
2015: Chris Critelli, St. Catharines
2016: Chris Critelli, St. Catharines
2017: Stefi Markovich, Port Colborne
2018: Sarah Anne Smurlick, Freedom Oaks
2019: Alex Taylor, Lookout Point
2020: Alex Taylor, Lookout Point
2021: Kennedy Bodfield, Rockway Vineyards
1950: Al Derbyshire, Niagara-on-the-Lake
1951: Jim Neale, Dunnville
1952: Jim Neale, Dunnville
1953: Jim Neale, Dunnville
1954: Jack Lowrey, St. Davids
1954: Jack Lowrey, St. Davids
1956: Joe Mate, Lookout Point
1957: Merle Noyes, Port Colborne
1958: Merle Noyes, Port Colborne
1959: Merle Noyes, Port Colborne
1960: Jack Lowrey, St. Davids
1961: Bob Mason, Lookout Point
1962: Dave Gillings, St. Catharines
1963: Bob Jarvis, Lookout Point
1964: Jack Lowrey, St. Davids
1965: Ed Muto, Erie Downs
1966: Bill Bevan, St. Catharines
1967: Bob Jarvis, Lookout Point
1968: Jack Lowrey, St. Davids
1969: Bob Jarvis, Lookout Point
1970: Gary Bannister, Lookout Point
1971: Alan Billyard, Lookout Point
1972: Bill Reynolds, St. Davids
1973: Mike McNiven, Twenty Valley
1974: Lee Kelly, Willodell
1975: Mike McNiven, Twenty Valley
1976: Les Westlake, Lookout Point
1977: No tournament
1978: Bob Noyes, Port Colborne
1979: Bob Noyes, Port Colborne
1980: Woody McKaig, Lookout Point
1981: Brian White, Lookout Point
1982: Les Westlake, St. Catharines
1983: Les Westlake, St. Catharines
1984: Mark Derbyshire, Niagara-on-the-Lake
1985: Mark Derbyshire, Niagara-on-the-Lake
1986: Don Andrusiw, Twenty Valley
1987: Sandy Billyard, Peninsula Lakes
1988: Les Westlake, St. Catharines
1989: John Drynan Jr. Dunnville
1990: Mark Derbyshire, Niagara-on-the-Lake
1991: Sandy Billyard, Peninsula Lakes
1992: Lorne Demoe, Rockway Glen
1993: Mark Derbyshire, Niagara-on-the-Lake
1994: George Fairgrieve, Bridgewater
1995: Bill Lipsett, Twenty Valley
1996: Jim Brown, Rolling Meadows
1997: Jeremy Julie, Sawmill
1998: Mike Claxton, Lookout Point
1999: Mark Derbyshire, Niagara-on-the-Lake
2000: Jeremy Julie, Sawmill
2001: Ange Bozza, Twenty Valley
2002: Jim Briggs, Peninsula Lakes
2003: Mike Claxton, ICC
2004: Jim McNeil, Twenty Valley
2005: Andy Labelle, Willodell
2006: Jim McNeil, Twenty Valley
2007: Jim McNeil, Twenty Valley
2008: Bob Berg, Rolling Meadowns
2009: Bob Goss, Long Beach
2010: Matt Graham, Port Colborne
2011: Kham Vong, Queenston
2012: Matt Graham, Lookout Point
2013: Matt Graham, Lookout Point
2014: Brian Eden, Hunters Pointe
2015: Michael Mottola, Cherry Hill
2016: Michael Mottola, Cherry Hill
2017: Kham Vong, Rockway Glen
2018: Robbie Ellis, St. Catharines
2019: Matt Graham, Port Colborne
2020: Dave Bunker, Cherry Hill
2021: Dave Toulouse, Grand Niagara
1971: Joe Leigh, Dunnville
1972: Lloyd Rundle, St. Catharines
1973: Bill Dolishney, Riverview
1974: George Wiemert, Cherry Hill
1975: George Wiemert, Cherry Hill
1976: Al Derbyshire, Niagara-on-the-Lake
1977: No tournament
1978: George Wiemert, Cherry Hill
1979: George Wiemert, Cherry Hill
1980: Al Derbyshire, Niagara-on-the-Lake
1981: Al Spear, Bridgewater
1982: Frank Boychuk, Twenty Valley
1983: George Wiemert, Cherry Hill
1984: Sandy Middleton, Willodell
1985: John Watson, Twenty Valley
1986: Stan Luke, Westbrook
1987: Doug Garrett, Queenston
1988: John Benko, Highlands
1989: John Benko, Highlands
1990: John Benko, Highlands
1991: John Benko, Highlands
1992: Glen Keffer, Lookout Point
1993: Glen Keffer, Lookout Point
1994: Mike Lococo, Rockway Glen
1995: Glen Keffer, Lookout Point
1996: Gerry Pelletier, Beechwood
1997: Al Shaw, Lookout Point
1998: Bill Bockel, Bridgewater
1999: Bob Jarvis, Rockway Glen
2000: Glen Keffer, Lookout Point’
2001: Les Westlake, Hunters Pointe
2002: Don McQuaig, Bridgewater
2003: Chris Nicolaou, Welland
2004: Chris Nicolaou, Pelham Hills
2005: Woody McKaig, Lookout Point
2006: Don McQuaig, Bridgewater
2007: Tom Yurcich, St. Catharines
2008: Glenn Edmonds, Willodell
2009: Des Brady, Lookout Point
2010: Bob Goss, Port Colborne
2011: Des Brady, Lookout Point
2012: Elmer Debenedet, Willodell
2013: Des Brady, Lookout Point
2014: Tony Ravenda, Riverview
2015: Larry Anderson, Hunters Pointe
2016: Jim Briggs, Peninsula Lakes
2017: Bob Goss, Port Colborne
2018: Bernie Bodogh, St. Catharines
2019: Bernie Bodogh, St. Catharines
2020: Des Brady, Lookout Point
2021: Derek Divok, Rockway Vineyards
1972: Dorothy Turner, Twenty Valley
1973: Helen Chyplik, St. Catharines
1974: Helen Chyplik, St. Catharines
1975: Fran Neufeld, Lookout Point
1976: Joan Crane, Cherry Hill
1977: No tournament
1978: Fran Neufeld, Lookout Point
1979: Fran Neufeld, Lookout Point
1980: Lolly Lenahan, Cherry Hill
1981: Lolly Lenahan, Cherry Hill
1982: Kay McNiven, Twenty Valley
1983: Lolly Lenahan, Cherry Hill
1984: Joan Crane, Cherry Hill
1985: Bobbie Evans, Port Colborne
1986: Orlean Foster, Twenty Valley
1987: Helen Chyplik, St. Catharines
1988: Simone Hutchinson, St. Catharines
1989: Lilly Thorsen, Port Colborne
1990: Lolly Lenahan, Cherry Hill
1991: Ann Campbell, Cherry Hill
1992: Lolly Lenahan, Cherry Hill
1993: Lana Sharpe, Port Colborne
1994: Lana Sharpe, Port Colborne
1995: Katie McKenzie, Peninsula Lakes
1996: Claire Moeschler, Cherry Hill
1997: Claire Moeschler, Cherry Hill
1998: Orlean Foster, Twenty Valley
1999: Claire Moeschler, Cherry Hill
2000: Olga Young, Rolling Meadows
2001: Marge Rae, Port Colborne
2002: Olga Young, Rolling Meadows
2003: Dale Lauzon, Sparrow Lakes
2004: Nancy Wilson, Port Colborne
2005: Cathy Moore, St. Catharines
2006: Linda Townsend, Lookout Point
2007: Sharon Townsend, Peninsula Lakes
2008: Marg Litalien, Pelham Hills
2009: Karen Debenedet, Peninsula Lakes
2010: Karen Debenedet, Peninsula Lakes
2011: Mary Beth Blackman, Rolling Meadows
2012: Jeanne Glavac, Lookout Point
2013: Anne Moss, Hunters Pointe
2014: Theresa Holmes, Rio Vista
2015: Betty Divok, Hunters Pointe
2016: Betty Divok, Hunters Pointe
2017: Sandra Billyard, Port Colborne
2018: Barb Brown, Port Colborne
2019: Sandra Billyard, Port Colborne
2020: Sandra Billyard, Port Colborne
2021: Sarah-Anne Smurlick, Freedom Oaks