Girls high school basketball all-stars named
A.N. Myer’s Emily Braun is one of 40 players selected to play in the 2018 Niagara Region Girls All-Star Games Feb. 13 at St. Catharines Collegiate.
Niagara’s best girls high school basketball players will be showing off their skills Wednesday, Feb. 13 in the 2018 Niagara Region Girls All-Star Games.
The 11-20 best players from Zone 4 and Zone 3 will play at 7 p.m. followed by the top 10 players from each zone squaring off at 8:15 p.m. Both games will be played at St. Catharines with an admission of $2 for students and $4 for adults. All proceeds are donated to Gillian’s Place.
“It is important for the girls who are playing their last high school basketball game with all the best players in the region,” said organizer Frank Keltos. “It is an honour of recognition that they are their school’s best players.”
Coaches at Niagara high schools were allowed to nominate up to three players from their own schools and their ranked selections were submitted to a committee that chose the teams.
“For teams that have had good success, we try to showcase all their nominations and we also ask a member of the coaching staff to be a coach at the game,” Keltos said.
The St. Catharines Rebels travel basketball association sponsors the games by purchasing the game shirts and No Limit Performance sponsors the players of the game awards. The District School Board of Niagara and the Niagara District Basketball Referees Association help out with facility and referee fees.
Below are the teams:
Named to North (Zone 4) top 10 team were: Churchill’s Kaley DeMont and Ally Sentance; Blessed Trinity’s Mia DiPasquale and Olivia Iannotta; Eden’s Mackenzie Schroeder and Avery Cushing; Governor Simcoe’s Allison Addy; Denis Morris’ Lexxus Bell; Saint Francis’ Viktoria Cubelic; and, Smithville District Christian’s Terin Hultink.
Named to the South (Zone 3) top 10 team were: Notre Dame’s Emily Foest; A.N. Myer’s Tori Rigas-DiDomenico and Emily Braun; Jean Vanier’s Isabelle Sinclair; Centennial’s Destiny Paquin; Port Colborne’s Maddie Coleman; Lakeshore Catholic’s Emma Koabel; Saint Michael’s Julie Manlow; Greater Fort Erie’s Taylor Doyle; and, E.L. Crossley’s Sydney Grummett.
Named to North (Zone 4) top 20 team were: Sir Winston Churchill’s Olivia Krieger; Eden’s Madalyn Weinert; Denis Morris’ Jordyn Britton; Heritage Christian’s Leanne DeKorte; Thorold’s Dior Arbuthnot; Saint Francis’ Ava Lannan; Holy Cross’ Sarah O’Rourke and Maddie Caughill; Grimsby’s Lauren Nuggent; and, Collegiate’s Micailah Jones.
Named to the South (Zone 3) top 20 team were: Notre Dame’s Alissa Mete; Centennial’s Emily Campbell; Jean Vanier’s Corynn Parker; E.L. Crossley’s Tess Puchalski and Emily Bonisteel; Saint Michael’s Lauren Carter; Greater Fort Erie’s Megan Louws; Port Colborne’s Jen Kozelj; Stamford’s Megan Hill-Doxtator; and, Saint Paul’s Julianna Fabiano.