Lockyer, Nickel top locals at cross country nationals
Owen Lockyer recorded the top local performance at last weekend’s Athletics Canada National Cross Country Championships in Ottawa.
The Toronto West Athletics and Team Ontario member, who is currently attending Columbia University on a running scholarship, finished 14th in the under-20 men’s eight-kilometre race. The Eden graduate took home a bronze medal for Ontario along with the rest of the provincial team.
In total, about 20 competitors from the Niagara region took part in the competition in cold, windy, and muddy conditions at Wesley Clover Parks. Nearly 1,0000 runners took part in the championship, including about 230 in each race.

Top Niagara performer in the four-kilometre under-18 girls race was Saint-Jean-de-Brébeuf student Alexandra Nickel. The Thorold Elite Track Club member, who recently placed eighth in the senior girls division at the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations championships, finished in 39th position at nationals.
Other Niagara athletes in the field included: 84. Niagara Olympic Club’s Chloe Dilalla; 101. Niagara Olympic Club’s Zoe Quinn; 155. Niagara Olympic Club’s Julia Tremeer; 170. Niagara Olympic Club’s Thea Quinn; 194. Niagara Olympic Club’s Hayley Morey; 212. Niagara Olympic Club’s Hayley Morey; 219. Niagara Olympic Club’s Isabelle Nguyen.
The Niagara Olympic Club’s under-18 girls team finished 16th amongst club teams from across Canada.
The top Niagara performer in the six-kilometre under-18 boys race was Sir Winston Churchill student Marco DiFelice. The Thorold Elite member, who placed 13th in the senior boys division at the recent OFSAA championships, finished in 44th spot at nationals.
Other locals in the field were: 48. Thorold Elite’s Adam Kleinsmith; 88. Thorold Elite’s Matthew Kleinsmith; 92. Niagara Olympic Club’s Evan Beach; 94. Thorold Elite’s Fenway Breckels; 119. Thorold Elite’s Owen Munnings; 121. Thorold Elite’s Sammy Tonnies; 125. Thorold Elite’s Sonny Leblanc;; 168. Thorold Elite’s Hayden Molnar; 173. Niagara Olympic Club’s Graham Tomori; 199. Niagara Olympic Club’s Oliver Crowe.
The Thorold Elite Track Club’s under-18 boys team finished 10th amongst club teams from across Canada.
“We are really proud of everyone who competed and represented the region well,” Thorold Elite coach Steve Fife said. “It was the first national championship for most of these athletes so it’s something that we have been looking forward to for a long time. They performed well under some tough conditions and many of them finished the season with their best race.”
The National Cross Country Championships return to Ottawa again in November 2022.